Dec 27, 2010

Display of parameter sheet

The parameter sheet can display and edit the set up information that the node has. As for the item of the parameter sheet, the thing changed by the product, OS type, and OS version is possible. Moreover, the thing that the user individually adds the column can be possible, and each item of the parameter sheet display non-display and the mask.

Switch of view

The bldg campus, the floor campus, and the rack campus, multi layer campus (ML), layer 1 campus (L1), layer 2 campus (L2), layer 3 campus (L3), and layer 4_7 campus (L47) are prepared in MGS as a view. The thing switched by clicking buttons on the toolbar is possible in the switch of each view.
* Nothing is displayed now because layer 4_7 campus (L47) are being examined.

Dec 25, 2010


The mouse is moved like the state on the port of opposing clicking with the mouse icon became a cross sign by arranging it on the port where the mouse can be connected to do the connection between ports. Because the mouse icon changes into the finger arrow when moving on the opposing port, the click is removed in the state. It is possible to connect it by this operation. Connected dialog can be opened from right-clicking and it connect it by specifying the port.

Addition of VLAN interface

As for the addition of the VLAN interface, the thing added from the port list of the component box as well as the node by the thing that drops on the drug and the object node is possible. The object node is selected, and the thing added by executing the VLAN interface addition menu from the right-clicking menu is possible.

Dec 23, 2010

Addition of routing port

As for the addition of the routing port, the thing added from the port list of the component box as well as the node by the thing that drops on the drug and the object node is possible. The object node is selected, and the thing added by executing the routing port addition menu from the right-clicking menu is possible. As for Internet Protocol address, warning is displayed when it is checked whether there is in this project repetition, and there is repetition. If the user permits, making is possible even by the repetition address.

Addition of VLAN trunk port

As for the addition of the VLAN trunk port, the thing added from the port list of the component box as well as the node by the thing that drops on the drug and the object node is possible. The object node is selected, and the thing added by executing the VLAN trunk port addition menu from the right-clicking menu is possible. The selection of Allowed Vlan and Default Vlan is reflected in the node drawing on the multi layer campus.

Dec 22, 2010

Addition of VLAN access port

As for the addition of the VLAN access port, the thing added from the port list of the component box as well as the node by the thing that drops on the drug and the object node is possible. The object node is selected, and the thing added by executing the VLAN access port addition menu from the right-clicking menu is possible. Individual VLAN of common VLAN that can be shared by the project and an individual node is prepared though it contributes separately in detail for VLAN. It is possible to add VLAN newly when the VLAN access port is added.

Addition of hub access port

As for the addition of the hub access port, the thing added from the port list of the component box as well as the node by the thing that drops on the drug and the object node is possible. The object node is selected, and the thing added by executing the hub access port addition menu from the right-clicking menu is possible.

Dec 21, 2010

It arranges it by drag & drop.

As for the component, the thing arranged on the campus by drag & drop is possible from the component box. It is possible to add the component from the right-clicking menu on the campus.

Display of component box

As for the component box, the component to make the network diagram on the campus is listed. The component can be easily reflected from the component box in the network diagram by drag & drop. It is possible to add the component from right-clicking on the campus. The thing that the picture file is selected in the component box and the user adds the component freely is possible.

Dec 20, 2010

Method of making project

First of all, I will introduce the screen image in the thing called the method of making the project. There is a concept called a domain that can manage the project and two or more projects in MGS. The project is an image basically made as one system though the user uses by a free way to capture and there is no problem.

Introduction of MGS

MGS becomes abbreviation of "Master Green Square". It named it in the meaning said that it would be supported to keep green four points by saying the application to support the phase of the design in the system, construction, operation, and maintenance. I want to introduce various functions of MGS in this blog.